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What can be done?

Assuming climate change is the primary cause of the weakening in the Atlantic’s circulation, there is no realistic way to quickly stop changes to ocean circulation. This is due to the fact that the polar ice caps will continue to melt for centuries even if global greenhouse gas emissions stop immediately because of high levels of CO2 already built up in the atmosphere. It's uncertain if the circulation could stabilize at some new level if human-caused CO2 emissions are stopped, The recent AMOC studies don't show what the long-term implications are. In other words, it is unclear whether the changes will gradually persist into the future, or whether the oceans will pass a climate tipping point into some new, as-yet unknown state. However, if we increase the awareness of people about the issue, the situation can be improved. Furthermore, by identifying places with circulation changes, scientists can take measures to prevent storms and predict sea level rise.

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